Mount Metal AF ekstensi makro fokus otomatis 13 mm tabung

Cek Harga dan spesifikasi Mount Metal AF ekstensi makro fokus otomatis 13 mm tabung . Detail produk dari Mount Metal AF ekstensi makro fokus otomatis 13 mm tabung + 21 mmtabung + 31 mm tabung untuk Canon

Detail produk dari Mount Metal AF ekstensi makro fokus otomatis 13 mm tabung + 21 mmtabung + 31 mm tabung untuk Canon EOS EF-S 1D x 60D 7D 6D 5D MarkIII

  1. Fokus Otomatis

  2. Tabung ekstensi ini

  3. 13 mm tube (tabung 1)

  4. 21 mm tube (tabung 2)

  5. 31 mm tube (tabung 3)

  6. Logam sangkur

  7. Fitur:

  8. Ringan desain

  9. Bahan: Plastik Terutama

  10. Sempurna ditambah dengan TTL.AE Pengukuran

  11. Gunakan secara individual atau gabungan

  12. Kompatibel dengan:

  13. Semua Canon SLR kamera, seperti:

  14. EOS x Pemberontak, Pendurhaka XT, XTi Pemberontak, PendurhakaXSi, EOS 450D, EOS 400D, EOS 350D, EOS 300D......

  15. EOS 10D, EOS20D, EOS30D, EOS40D, EOS5D......

  16. EOS 1D, EOS 1Ds, EOS 1D mark II, EOS 1Ds mark II, EOS 1D markIII, EOS 1Ds mark III......

  17. EOS 30/33/......

  18. EOS 50/55. EOS kiss III, EOS kiss IIIL, EOS 100......

  19. EOS 10. EOS 300 V, EOS 300 x, 300VQD......

  20. Cara menggunakan:

  21. Mengoperasikan kamera jarak jauh saat mengambil foto pada jarakdekat dan dalam situasi yang lain

  22. di mana sedikit gerakan kamera akan menghasilkan bluring.Mengunci rana-rilis

  23. tombol di peluk akan memberi Anda jangka panjang eksposur(bohlam) dan membuka untuk foto ledakan

Spesifikasi dari Mount Metal AF ekstensi makro fokus otomatis 13 mm tabung

English description
  1. Auto-Focus 

  2. This extension tube 

  3. 13mm tube (Tube 1) 

  4. 21mm tube (Tube 2) 

  5. 31mm tube (Tube 3) 

  6. Metal bayonet 

  7. Features: 

  8. Lightweight design 

  9. Material: Mainly Plastic 

  10. Perfect coupling with TTL.AE Metering 

  11. Use Individually or Combined 

  12. Compatible with: 

  13. All Canon SLR cameras, such as: 

  14. EOS Rebel X,Rebel XT,Rebel XTi,Rebel XSi,EOS 450D,EOS 400D, EOS350D, EOS 300D...... 

  15. EOS 10D,EOS20D,EOS30D,EOS40D,EOS5D...... 

  16. EOS 1D,EOS 1Ds,EOS 1D mark II,EOS 1Ds mark II,EOS 1D markIII,EOS 1Ds mark III...... 

  17. EOS 30/33/30V...... 

  18. EOS 50/55, EOS kiss III, EOS kiss IIIL, EOS100...... 

  19. EOS 10, EOS 300V, EOS 300X, 300VQD...... 

  20. How to use: 

  21. Operates the camera remotely when taking photographs at closerange and in other situations 

  22. in which the slightest camera movement would produce bluring.Locking the shutter-release 

  23. button in hold will give you long time-exposures (Bulb) andunlocked for burst photograph
English highlights
  •  Designed to enable a lens to focus closer than its normalset minimum focusing distance.
  • Auto Focus Macro Extension Tube for CANON EOS EF EF-S 1D X 60D7D 6D 5D Mark III
  • Free style of three tube: 13mm, 21mm, and 31 mm - which can beused individually or in any combination to obtain the desiredmagnification.
  •  Designed with circuitry and mechanical coupling tomaintain auto focus and TTL auto exposure with Canon lenses,whichactivate the cameras AF system properly.
  • Perfect for flowers, insects, coins, stamps, and any close-upshots you want to take.
Tipe garansiNo Warranty

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